Saturday, October 28, 2006

What on earth is this about???? 4.30 on a Saturday afternoon and I'm stuck here in the library attempting to write (whilst still scanning through the mountain of research articles) a dissertation on 'The role of 'talk' in Primary classroom to enhance the learning of literacy'!!!!! URRGGGHHHH!!!! Saturdays are most certainly not made for this and I am most certainly not made for working on Saturdays!

This is what Saturdays ARE made for....
Lie ins until at least 12pm
DVDs on the couch, wrapped up in the duvet
pots of Ben & Jerries ice-cream
windy walks in wellies
strolling round old villages with lush little tea shops
cinema trips
visits to London
pizza, curry, any form of take-away
That's it!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Just been planning a day of art that we have to do in a local primary school next week! We have an entire day to create a mural about Highfield and the local community with a bunch of Year 4's...a whole day sounds very long!

Last night was mad! Jonny, Claire and I joined the International church (based in St.Mary's at the new Lighthouse building) and helped out with their flyering around all the houses in Newtown! It was great...although pretty scary. Claire and I were sent out totally awone in the pitch black night, with nothing but a funky clipboard, some flyers and Holy Spirit! It was brilliant to get to know some of the guys at the church and we had some good chats with people as we went round. The church is awesome. It established by just 4 Asian families and now they have about 120 regulars...most of whom have converted to Christianity and most of whom are Asian or Polish! It's amazing to worship with people from so many different countries.
It was brilliant as well to plug into what's going on in the area. I really feel that living here and having my school placement right in the centre of this multicultural area is pivotal in what God is calling us to. Don't know quite how but just realising that all these puzzle pieces may well be piecing together....

Link below if you want to check it out:

Jonny's parents are down tonight, so we're seeing them for dinner which will be lush.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Monday morning....

just to fill those of you who have been looking at the blog so's been for my PGCE ICT project, hence my comments on 'using blogging in the classroom!' From now on, my entries may well be of more interest....we'll see!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

After having Monday and Tuesday in school, we've all felt pretty drained and lethargic back in lectures. It's been a good few days friends Si and Becs got engaged at the weekend, so much of our lecture discussions have been wedding based! Have been realising again easy it is for things to take priority in my life above Jesus. It's a daily decision to put Him first and live my life out from that place, rather than PGCE, marriage or anything else based. Sure, these things are important... but everything comes from my relationship with Jesus.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Today was my very first day at my placement was really great! It's a small infant school with only 4 out of 260 kids with english as their first language! How crazy is that! It's brilliant because I love learning about other cultures so much and i think it's going to be so interesting to learn how to effectively teach children with basic english skills. Lots of visuals I think! My class mentor is lovely as well and I think she's going to be really supportive and someone who I can learn loads from.
I spent break time at doing bangra dancing in the hall because they have a bangra club on Mondays and Fridays! By the end of my placement I may well be an expert! The thing that is going to be really hard (if not impossible) is going to be learning all of the children's names. I don't know how I'm going to tackle that one!

Reflections on blogging this week....
I 've actually enjoyed blogging a lot more than I thought I would. It's been fun to have somewhere to vent, to mull and to post pictures and photos. I find that I always ponder more when I am writing things down and so it has been a really useful tool to express myself. I like the fact that you can make the blog as individual as you like it (to some extent) and put your own mark on it. I think blogs could well work in the classroom situation for many different things. Obviously, they require children who are generally quite good at writing, although if a less able child worked with a more capable one, it could possibly be just as effective.

May well continue with this old blogging thing...not quite as religiously though! It's not so easy getting to a computer everyday. See you when I see you!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Just been to church. Cycled up there this morning, so by the time I entered I was a sweaty wreck! Looking really attractive! I think it muSt be the horrible hill right and the end of the ride. Anyways, it was a great morning. Prayed a lot for Jamie and Jeena, because neither of them are very well and Jeena's brother has just gone into hospital this week.
Dan (one of the leaders) spoke about the bit in John where the people are trying to catch Jesus out by asking him who he is. It was focussing on the fact that Jesus was a great teacher; that he will come again, and He is alive today for us to know personally. No other faith can boast of a personal God that crosses cultures and is applicable to every people group across history. It was a good talk! Off home now and our friend Joe is coming over for lunch. He's a bit of a computer whiz and is hopefully going to fix our computer! Next blog may well be from the comfort of our home...

Wasn't able to get to a computer yesterday...but here's what happened! Yesterday was good. Had a lazy morning and then went and took advantage of some guest passes that we'd been given for a leisure centre in Bournemouth. Spent the afternoon lounging about in the pool and enjoying the sauna and steam rooms. We both decided that an afternoon of it was quite enough! It seems to be such a wierd concept to spend so much money to go and lounge about somewhere, with artificial environments, just to relax. Last Saturday we headed out to the New Forest and to be honest, walking in the woods is so much more refreshing and relaxing than sitting in a steam room....and it's free!!
Oh yeah....popped to the cinema last night to see 'Departed'. A new film with Jack Nicholson, Leonardo di Caprio and Matt Damon . Bizarre film. Potential for a really great storyline but it dragged and dragged. After 2.5 hours we left, wondering slightly what had been going on during the film!

Friday, October 13, 2006

Afternoon! The intention was to head into uni this morning and get most of my work done (the mound just keeps increasing!) However, after dropping Jonny up at the hospital I returned home and fell asleep. Oops! So, here I am, at 1.50pm and realising I have a few hours to cram in a lot of work!

Just bumped into a lady who was promoting fairtrade food. It's so wierd to think that even a couple of years ago people had no idea of what fairtrade goods were and why we should buy them. There was this stigma surrounding it that people (including me) thought people who bought fairtrade were bangle wearing hippies with headscarves, living in sackcloth! Years later it seems to have become the 'fashionable' thing to do. Every superstore seems to have it's own fairtrade range now, which is great and an increasing number of people are catching on to why it's so important. In the age that we're living in, why should it be that people are not receiving a decent price for the things that they are growing. Why should it be that people are still being exploited? I think it's so important that we do what we can to make those things change.

I used to be on the committee for PURE, which is the university justice and fairtrade society. Check out the link: One of my favourite verses in the Bible is Micah 6:8 'And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God'. Just learning to walk this out!

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Thursday, October 12, 2006

Today's been pretty long. English this morning and then maths this afternoon. It's that 'end of the week' feeling!

Last night was pretty good. Headed to the Guildhall and there turned out to be loads of people there that I didn't realise were going, which was great. It's the first time I've seen Delirious? play live and I really enjoyed it. The gig was sold out and there was such a good atmosphere.

Just been thinking over plans with Jonny lately. Life is so manic at the moment, with him working 8-8ish and me doing the course. By the time we both get back home, we are tired and unsociable! It's ok for me coz I can put a time-scale on it but for him it's his job and this is how crazy it's going to be for ages. All we really want to do is to get out to a place where people need our skills and where we can make a difference. He wants to be a general surgeon, which means many, many more years training! I think it's just understanding our long-term vision and trusting that God has a purpose for us here in Southampton at the moment! We're both needing a bit of perspective on it all!

Golly, sorry...ranting on! Long weekend ahead, which will be lush. Off now. Blog soon.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

How frustrating. Had just written an entire blog entry and then the computer ate it up! Save, save, save as Monty always says! I'm beginning to realise he could be onto something! My update since yesterday? Last night we had our friends Jamie & Jeena over for dinner. I attempted to cook roast pork (for the 1st time) and it actually turned out ok. Jonny turned up suitably late (the perks of being married to a dr!) Then we had our cell group (small group from our church) come over. We meet every Tuesday evening to look at the Bible, pray for each other and generally have some fun. Last night was great. We had some really interesting chats about difficult issues and there was much laughter! I also found myself looking round and realising just what a random bunch of people we are....some from France, some from New Zealand, some from South Africa and everyone with such different personalities.
Power in diversity.
Tonight we're off to a Delirious? concert at the Guildhall. Should be pretty good I think. I've never seen them before, but everyone I've spoken to has raved about their new album. Check out the website for more info.

Got to dash now. Too tired to continue. Will blog again tomorrow.


Tuesday, October 10, 2006

I'm beginning my blogging journal today. This is going to follow my life over the next bit of time. I arrived at uni quite damp this morning after a wet cycle through the woods. It continues to baffle me as to why pedestrians can't walk on the right side and seem to need to walk 4 abreast so there is literally no way of getting past! It reminds me of that game we used to play at school - I think it was called British Bulldog or something???


Friday, October 06, 2006

This is my very first blog, so we’ll see where it goes!