Thursday, October 12, 2006

Today's been pretty long. English this morning and then maths this afternoon. It's that 'end of the week' feeling!

Last night was pretty good. Headed to the Guildhall and there turned out to be loads of people there that I didn't realise were going, which was great. It's the first time I've seen Delirious? play live and I really enjoyed it. The gig was sold out and there was such a good atmosphere.

Just been thinking over plans with Jonny lately. Life is so manic at the moment, with him working 8-8ish and me doing the course. By the time we both get back home, we are tired and unsociable! It's ok for me coz I can put a time-scale on it but for him it's his job and this is how crazy it's going to be for ages. All we really want to do is to get out to a place where people need our skills and where we can make a difference. He wants to be a general surgeon, which means many, many more years training! I think it's just understanding our long-term vision and trusting that God has a purpose for us here in Southampton at the moment! We're both needing a bit of perspective on it all!

Golly, sorry...ranting on! Long weekend ahead, which will be lush. Off now. Blog soon.


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