Wednesday, October 11, 2006

How frustrating. Had just written an entire blog entry and then the computer ate it up! Save, save, save as Monty always says! I'm beginning to realise he could be onto something! My update since yesterday? Last night we had our friends Jamie & Jeena over for dinner. I attempted to cook roast pork (for the 1st time) and it actually turned out ok. Jonny turned up suitably late (the perks of being married to a dr!) Then we had our cell group (small group from our church) come over. We meet every Tuesday evening to look at the Bible, pray for each other and generally have some fun. Last night was great. We had some really interesting chats about difficult issues and there was much laughter! I also found myself looking round and realising just what a random bunch of people we are....some from France, some from New Zealand, some from South Africa and everyone with such different personalities.
Power in diversity.
Tonight we're off to a Delirious? concert at the Guildhall. Should be pretty good I think. I've never seen them before, but everyone I've spoken to has raved about their new album. Check out the website for more info.

Got to dash now. Too tired to continue. Will blog again tomorrow.



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