Saturday, October 28, 2006

What on earth is this about???? 4.30 on a Saturday afternoon and I'm stuck here in the library attempting to write (whilst still scanning through the mountain of research articles) a dissertation on 'The role of 'talk' in Primary classroom to enhance the learning of literacy'!!!!! URRGGGHHHH!!!! Saturdays are most certainly not made for this and I am most certainly not made for working on Saturdays!

This is what Saturdays ARE made for....
Lie ins until at least 12pm
DVDs on the couch, wrapped up in the duvet
pots of Ben & Jerries ice-cream
windy walks in wellies
strolling round old villages with lush little tea shops
cinema trips
visits to London
pizza, curry, any form of take-away
That's it!


At 11:58 AM , Blogger Claire said...

Aww beauty im sorry, that sucks! I am sure u will get some good windy welly weather walks soon though. Hope it didnt drag too much and that Jesus sat with ya and made it better :) thanks for comin round last night btw, ur beautiful and it was such a pleasure *hugs* xx

At 5:22 AM , Blogger The Python said...

a few good pits at the local at lunchtime also goes down a treat.


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