Monday, October 16, 2006

Today was my very first day at my placement was really great! It's a small infant school with only 4 out of 260 kids with english as their first language! How crazy is that! It's brilliant because I love learning about other cultures so much and i think it's going to be so interesting to learn how to effectively teach children with basic english skills. Lots of visuals I think! My class mentor is lovely as well and I think she's going to be really supportive and someone who I can learn loads from.
I spent break time at doing bangra dancing in the hall because they have a bangra club on Mondays and Fridays! By the end of my placement I may well be an expert! The thing that is going to be really hard (if not impossible) is going to be learning all of the children's names. I don't know how I'm going to tackle that one!

Reflections on blogging this week....
I 've actually enjoyed blogging a lot more than I thought I would. It's been fun to have somewhere to vent, to mull and to post pictures and photos. I find that I always ponder more when I am writing things down and so it has been a really useful tool to express myself. I like the fact that you can make the blog as individual as you like it (to some extent) and put your own mark on it. I think blogs could well work in the classroom situation for many different things. Obviously, they require children who are generally quite good at writing, although if a less able child worked with a more capable one, it could possibly be just as effective.

May well continue with this old blogging thing...not quite as religiously though! It's not so easy getting to a computer everyday. See you when I see you!


At 4:48 AM , Blogger graham said...

yo rachy rach,

on the blog, didnt even know you had one, gd work with the kids and thanks for you wishes for my trip, i will send some love and fire back at cha while im there and hope to see you two wonderful people in 07

At 5:31 AM , Blogger The Python said...

Thank you for this.

I have enjoyed reading your blog.

Can you think of situations which are especially suited to blogging?

Project work in the foundation subjects, virtual art gallery of children's art, perhaps a virtual poetry book of class poems?


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