Friday, October 13, 2006

Afternoon! The intention was to head into uni this morning and get most of my work done (the mound just keeps increasing!) However, after dropping Jonny up at the hospital I returned home and fell asleep. Oops! So, here I am, at 1.50pm and realising I have a few hours to cram in a lot of work!

Just bumped into a lady who was promoting fairtrade food. It's so wierd to think that even a couple of years ago people had no idea of what fairtrade goods were and why we should buy them. There was this stigma surrounding it that people (including me) thought people who bought fairtrade were bangle wearing hippies with headscarves, living in sackcloth! Years later it seems to have become the 'fashionable' thing to do. Every superstore seems to have it's own fairtrade range now, which is great and an increasing number of people are catching on to why it's so important. In the age that we're living in, why should it be that people are not receiving a decent price for the things that they are growing. Why should it be that people are still being exploited? I think it's so important that we do what we can to make those things change.

I used to be on the committee for PURE, which is the university justice and fairtrade society. Check out the link: One of my favourite verses in the Bible is Micah 6:8 'And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God'. Just learning to walk this out!

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At 2:31 AM , Blogger The Python said...

This is developing very nicely.

Good intersting comments which I enjoyed, and good layout and design.

Keep it up!


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