Tuesday, November 28, 2006

THE ASSIGNMENT IS OFFICIALLY FINISHED (and handed in!) Such a relief! It reached the point of meltdown with it on Saturday!! Jonny treated me to a lush french meal last night in this quirky little underground restaurant called Bouzy Rouge, then I headed out for some celebratory drinks with some of the girls from the course. It was so nice to just come up for air for a bit...this term has been so intense and after today it all heats up again before Christmas!

Today though, is a day off! We are heading to Brighton to chill and see Jonny's sister Becky. Then off to London on Friday to see my beautiful ones back home - parents on Friday and then Genie and Abi on Saturday! Ah, can't wait...it's been FAR to long!

(Jonny looking very professional a l'hospital)


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