Monday, February 19, 2007

Have got a bad touch of the flu, so am justifiably feeling ever-so sorry for myself, wrapped in my pjs and lounging in bed all day!!

NEWS: We're off to Ethiopia in about a month! I know....who ever pops to Ethiopia for a holiday??? Well...this has an awesome story to it and God is all over it! About 3 years ago, Jonny met this surgeon called Andrew Browning. They started chatting and he found out that Andrew worked at this amazing hospital in Ethiopia for Fistula patients (women who have had horrible problems giving birth and end up being cut off from their families and society because they are incontinent and are really quite poorly.) We've mentioned this guy a few times over the last few years, but only really in passing conversation.

Anyways, for some reason God started stirring something us in us and we met this guy who told us about a book that had been written 'The Hospital by the River' by the woman who started the hospital - Catherine Hamlin (and her husband Reg, who has now died). We got hold of the book and read it and we were just amazed at the work of these people and the stories they have about these women.

Then, one evening at the General Hospital, Jonny was just working and turned on the computer on the ward and it opened up to a website about 'fistula conditions'. That was ridiculous because no one normally talks about it and you would only come across this condition in developing countries...definitely not in Southampton - so why should anyone be looking this up???

We realised that maybe God wanted us to head out there, but we literally had no money so we laid it down and just said 'God, if you want us to go, you'll make it possible. It's going to have to be You!'

Last weekend, I headed back to London to see my parents. Over dinner, I was just telling them about all these 'coinsidences' about Ethiopia. Then suddenly, my dad pipes up 'Oh, well you know your granny has connections in Addis Ababa' (the capital where the hospital is). I find out, NOT JUST ANY OLD CONNECTIONS! She grew up with the emporer's grandchildren and knows of a church etc there! AMAZING!

SO, we booked out tickets. But, we still didn't have enough money to make it through the month. Prayed again. Went to the bank on Friday and paid in a cheque for my mum. Just thought I'd ask the banking lady to check an account that we haven't been using (last attempt really). We knew there was nothing in it. Then she says 'There's £218 in the account!' WOW! How faithful is our Heavenly Father!

He has plans. Plans that go back to when my grandmother was a child. Plans that involve us! And He knows what we need!

Praise God for His hand on our lives!