Sunday, December 31, 2006

These past few days God has gently been revealing a new way of living to me. It begins with sitting with Jesus. Just sitting at His feet and hearing from the One who refreshes and refines. It really has been a revelation to me. Basically, I'd been asking God about how my life is going to look over the next few months, with being on placement and with everything getting very hectic and overwhelming. To be honest, I've been peeing my pants about it all! I just didn't see how I was going to get everything done and not get run down and not start whithering. Found this amazing book called 'Sitting at the feet of Jesus' and have begun to realise how it is going to work!
See, if I do try and do all this stuff without first coming and sitting at Jesus' simply won't work. God says, 'Come and sit. Make me your priority and from that place everything else will come'. And if God says it, then I know it will work! I want to be the tree that has deep roots by the side of the river. With lush fruit and green leaves. I know that if I come to Him to be filled, this will be.
Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord,
And whose hope is in the Lord.
For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters,
Which spreads out its roots by the river,
And will not fear when heat comes;
But its leaf will be green,
And will not be anxious in the year of drought,
Nor will cease from yielding fruit. Jeremiah 17:7-8

Sunday, December 10, 2006

We have officially entered the Christmas season! Yesterday we headed out in the crisp cold air to choose a beautiful 'potted' Norwegian Christmas tree! We also stumbled across these lush cake decorations, which we have since varnished and are now proudly hanging from various branches in our lounge. Lush!

Last weekend was wonderful. We got back home to face a pretty desperate situation with my grandma, but God has just been AMAZING and within 3 days he transformed it all!! It's really felt like He's parted the seas for us! What a faithful and awesome God we serve!

Had some great time time with my lovelies back home: Genie, the ever-so cool London chic and then in the evening we had dinner with my very gorgeous, very loved one Abi and her boyfriend Richard. Twas so good to be back and have a bit of catch up time.

So, basically one week left and we are fully charging on until the bitter Christmas wind-down for the PGCE lot! I suggested a Christmas party in our Maths lesson, but it didn't for down so well! Ah well. Then off next weekend to see the Rusts (seniors) and have a few days in sunny Cornwall!