Tuesday, November 28, 2006

THE ASSIGNMENT IS OFFICIALLY FINISHED (and handed in!) Such a relief! It reached the point of meltdown with it on Saturday!! Jonny treated me to a lush french meal last night in this quirky little underground restaurant called Bouzy Rouge, then I headed out for some celebratory drinks with some of the girls from the course. It was so nice to just come up for air for a bit...this term has been so intense and after today it all heats up again before Christmas!

Today though, is a day off! We are heading to Brighton to chill and see Jonny's sister Becky. Then off to London on Friday to see my beautiful ones back home - parents on Friday and then Genie and Abi on Saturday! Ah, can't wait...it's been FAR to long!

(Jonny looking very professional a l'hospital)

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Jonny is working nights at the mo which is pretty rubbish on one hand. On the other hand it has meant I've had some lush time with some lovelies! Time with beautiful Katie on Friday, wonderfully chilled evening with Jeena last night, with a bottle of wine and X-factor! She has all these extra channels so it literally means you can watch it all evening! Crazy. Pub lunch with Clare today, catching up on all that's going on...haha! I love her!
So....creeping round the house now trying not to wake Jonny up! My essay is due in next scarily soon so (in the words of Laura), it's going to be a bit of a geek week. I just can't wait to have some holiday time! As you can tell, I'm doing anything to put off having to get on with this work! Why is it that suddenly cleaning the house or taking a quick power nap seems like a really good (and more importantly productive) thing to do?? ok, I'm off....

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Came out of lectures today only to face a dark, grumpy looking sky and lots of rain. After the initial moment of grouchiness I jumped onto the old bike and headed for home. It's funny the moments that Holy Spirit decides to whisper....just as I pedalled away He gently (and very melodiously) whispered "Who could love you, the way I do?" And there it is. Undone.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Wednesday already, crazy! We had a beautiful weekend up in Warwick/Stratford for my mum's birthday. I actually love surprising people! We prepared this lush birthday picnic in the middle of this random park....autumn leaves, great views and lots of yummy food. She was totally surprised and just reminded me how much fun it is to do stuff like that!
This week has been good so far. Have felt a bit under-the-weather but generally ok. Just feels like it's time for a holiday! It would be sooooo good to have some time off and jet off and lie in the sun for a while. Jonny and I were talking the other day just about relationship with God. About investing time just being and not even doing or talking....Cell was great coz we just had some time sitting with Jesus and letting Him refresh. That's the most precious place to be, not busying myself or thinking of what else needs to be done. Clare had a word about 'you haven't always been a Martha' and it was spot on. I often find myself in the middle of doing something (even if it is for someone else and with the best intentions) and Holy Spirit will just gently tap me and remind me that the beauty is in the sitting. I want to be a Mary. It's going to have to be God changing me with that because I am so far from it at the moment!

Oh, also....this is quite a momentous blog! Yesterday, I was provided with a free laptop! Hurray! Funny, coz the day before we were praying about wanting God#'s fullness in every part of our lives....and that definitely includes my course. This will make life sooooo much easier!

Friday, November 03, 2006

Breathe on me, breath of God,
Fill me with life anew,
That I may love what Thou dost love,
And do what Thou wouldst do.

Breathe on me, breath of God,
Until my heart is pure,
Until with Thee I will one will,
To do and to endure.
Breathe on me, breath of God,
Blend all my soul with Thine,
Until this earthly part of me
Glows with Thy fire divine.
Breathe on me, breath of God,
So shall I never die,
But live with Thee the perfect life Of Thine eternity.
Words by Edwin Hatch (1878)
My very favourite words of a hymn, ever.